IEEE Russia (North-West) Section
Joint CI/CS/RA Chapter
St. Petersburg



IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
IEEE Control Systems Society
IEEE Robotics & Automation Society
Russian Systems and Control Archive (RUSYCON)
Physics and Control Resources (PhysCon)


Prof. Alexey Bobtsov and Dr. Denis Efimov have been elected to the "IEEE Senior Member" grade.

The chapter took part in organization of major IEEE conferences:
Eurocon 2009 (track "Control Systems") —
MSC 2009 —

Denis Efimov has defended his Dr. of Sciences Thesis in IPME in June, 2006.
Alexey Bobtsov have defended his Dr. of Sciences Thesis in SPbSU ITMO in October, 2006.

2005, January 30

Dr. Boris Andrievsky Dr. Sergey Gusev, Prof. Damir Imaev and Prof. Iliya Miroshnik have been elected to the "IEEE Senior Member" grade.

Boris Andrievsky has defended his Dr. of Sciences Thesis in IPME on Dec.2, 2004.

The paper B. R. Andrievskii and A. L. Fradkov. Control of Chaos: Methods and Applications. I. Methods. Autom. Remote Control, Vol. 64, No. 5, 2003, pp. 673-713. (380 KB, PDF) is awarded as one of 10 best journal papers published by the International Publisher "Nauka" in 2003.
Congratulations to laureats!

The St.Petersburg team "STEP", headed by the member of our IEEE Chapter, Professor of St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University Lev A.Stankevich had won the World Robot Football (Socker) Championship in 2D Simulation League (Robocup 2004, Lisbon, June 28 - July 4, 2004)
See Official website of the Robocup 2004 and the list of the RoboCup 2004 Champions
See also articles in Russian in "Komsomolskaya pravda" and "Computer Inform"
General info of Robocup project, see
Congratulations to World Champions!

2004, March 22
IEEE Neural Networks Society Changes its Name
At its meeting in Savannah, Georgia on February 14th, the IEEE Technical Activities Board voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Neural Networks Society's motion to change its name to the Computational Intelligence Society. To become official, the name needs to be approved by the Board of Directors which is expected to meet on June 20, 2004

2004, March 22
The organizing meeting of the Joint Chapter of the IEEE Neural Networks, Control Systems and Robotics & Automation Societies took place on Jan. 12, 2004.
The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer/Secretary have been selected (see Members).
The following talks have been presented:

  • A.L. Fradkov "Recent Trends in Control and Automation"
  • A.G. Mikerov (Vice-Chairman of the IEEE Russia (North-West) Section) "Development of the IEEE Russia (North-West) Section"
  • L.A. Stankevitch, A.V. Yakovlev "Robotic Research & Development in the "Novaya Era" ("NE" Joint Stock Co)", (accompanied by demo of robots).

This site is created by "Control of Complex Systems" Lab., IPME RAS